Daily Archives: December 30, 2014

Morning sickness- could use advice


My seventh pregnancy (updated to add: I probably should have said my 9th pregnancy… Just didn’t want to be confusing. I’ve had 9 pregnancies, 6 carried to term so far) has been the most difficult so far (as far as morning sickness goes) which is one reason my posts have been almost nonexistent lately.

I’ve tried a lot of things to remedy it, but haven’t really been able to find much relief at all.

My other pregnancies were hard to, but I seemed to always have a break until I smelled something that triggered a reaction, or when I first woke up and didn’t get something to eat right away… But this is pretty much a continual thing.

Does anyone have any morning sickness home remedy ideas? If so, please share them below.

It’s gotten to the point where I am hardly able to do anything except on the verge of dry heaving or throwing up constantly in between the times it actually happens (usually mornings and evenings).

This makes it difficult to get through the day or get anything accomplished- especially with 6 kids to care for. I will be asking my doctor about Zofran but have to wait till my appointment in about 1 week.

Any suggestions would be very, very appreciated! And if I don’t respond right away, it’s not because I don’t like you… I just don’t feel so good! 🙂